Parish Council
The Parish Council has been advised by the Suffolk County Council (SCC) Planning Officer responsible that the Brockley Wood planning application will not now be considered at the December meeting of the County Council's Development and Regulation Committee, as has previously been envisaged. The next available Committee date is on 4th February 2025.
The reason for the delay is that "there are a number of issues that have been raised in the recent consultation, both by consultees and in the third-party representations that require more time to be considered before the report on the application can be completed."
As well as detailed submissions from both Parish Councils, Babergh has also strongly objected to the applicant's rejection of the site as Valued Landscape under the terms of BMSDC's statutory Joint Local Plan. National Highways has also now raised concerns regarding the proposed haul road which connects the proposed site entrance to the main quarry area. They have further stipulated that no determination should be made before such concerns have been satisfactorily addressed. All these submissions can be viewed on the SCC planning portal.
Copdock & Washbrook Parish Council will continue to do all it can to represent the concerns of the community and mitigate the impact of this unnecessary and ruinous application.