Parish Council
Pride in Your Place Grants
Grants are available to support community groups in Babergh celebrate where they live, through a variety of different capital projects. Babergh District Council wants to encourage communities to enhance their local area and environment, explore their local identity and heritage, engage in community clean ups and much more. The aim of the fund is to give communities the opportunity to develop projects that make them feel proud of where they live. Between £250 and £5,000 will be available to apply for, with the fund now open for applications until 31st March 2025 or until funding is fully allocated.
Funding will be awarded on a first come, first served basis, with applications assessed against a scoring matrix. View scoring matrix. Apply for a Pride in Your Place Grant
Well People, Healthy Places Fund
Funding for projects which make lives and places healthier. The fund will support a community-led approach to improving health and wellbeing. Up to £5,000 is available within parishes which have undertaken some form of community planning (Neighbourhood Plan, People & Place Plan, Parish Infrastructure Investment Plan, etc). Babergh is keen to hear from organisations that are rooted in communities and are able to build on the strengths and assets of those places. They will favour projects that will work with people to design and create solutions that are right for them.
Successful applicants can use funds for capital or revenue costs i.e. investing in equipment and buildings and in paying for services and people’s time. Please note that this is a competitive fund which will be assessed by a scoring matrix method. Only applications which score highly will be awarded funding.
Applications should meet at least one of the following aims
Funding is available to Parish Councils and constituted VCFSE groups in Babergh and Mid Suffolk.
Ineligible Organisations and Projects
Community Grants are not available for:
This fund is for small scale projects, therefore some aims that have been expressed in community consultation documents, such as larger infrastructure projects, are not the target of this funding. Likewise, projects that focus on speed awareness, footpaths and cycle paths and broadband connectivity would not be eligible.
Applications open Mon 06 January
Applications close Mon 10 February
Application forms, scoring matrix and guidance will be available from the 6 January at: