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Copdock & Washbrook Ladies Group

The main purposes of the WI are to enable women who are interested in issues associated with rural life, including arts, crafts and sciences, to improve and develop conditions of rural life, to advance their education in citizenship, in public questions both national and international, in music, drama and other cultural subjects and in all branches of agriculture, handicrafts, home economics, health and social welfare. It seeks to give women the opportunity of working together through the WI, and of putting into practice those ideals for which it stands.

We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in the Village Hall, at 7.30pm, and our annual subscription is £43 . 00

The WI

The Copdock & Washbrook Branch of the W I celebrated it’s 100 Birthday in February 2019, and to see how they marked this occasion – CLICK HERE.

For further information about Copdock and Washbrook Women’s Institute

please visit our webpage
